Friday, November 2, 2012

Quick Stress Relief

You may suffer from job interview anxiety, social anxiety disorder, lack of confidence, or some other reason that stresses you out and makes you hate job interviews. Regardless to what the driving factor is, you need help. There are always solutions to ones problems, but sometimes they are buried deeper than one expects to look. Albert Einstein said, “Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex… It takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.” Find out what affects your stress levels and causes you to hate job interviews. Have the courage to challenge your self and go the opposite direction. Regardless to what the driving factor is, the end result is stress. There are a number of techniques and strategies to prevent stress, but what about relieving it quickly in certain situations? Here are some tips.
Recognizing stress is the first step in lessening its impact. Many of us spend so much time in a stressed state, we have forgotten what it feels like to be fully relaxed and alert. Being stressed out feels normal.
There are countless techniques for preventing stress. Yoga and meditation are great techniques to coping with stress. But who can take a moment to chant or meditate during a job interview? You need to be able to handle the stress of the pressure during certain circumstances that are pivotal. This is where quick stress relief can be helpful. Although it is merely a temporary coping method, it may be the X-factor to whether you nail or fail an interview.
The key to practicing quick stress relief is learning which one of your senses helps your particular nervous system find calm and focus quickly. Everyone responds differently to certain sensory inputs. For example, one may listen to music, or look at an inspiring picture. Experiment and figure out whether sight, sound, smell, taste, or touch calms your nervous system. After you have discovered what sensory system works best for you, you can start researching the many suggested techniques and strategies that are developed to quickly relieve stress. Below are a few links to sites that are dedicated to quick stress relief.

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