Monday, September 17, 2012


Do job interviews make you want to barf? Do they make your stomachache and your head pound? Do job interviews stress you out and jack your self-confidence all up. If you said yes to any of these questions than we have something in common and this blog may apply to you. You may be suffering from “Job Interview Anxiety” My goal is to understand and over come the reality of job interview anxiety. What causes that nervous amount of self-doubt? Why am I comfortable in essentially any other scenario? I plan on exploring the causes and effects of job interview anxiety. I also plan on expressing my personal opinions and experiences involving job interviews. My target audience, or those who may find this blog appealing, would consist of 20-40 year old job seekers. That age group applies because teenagers have jobs to buy clothes and go to the movies. The amount riding on the outcome of the job interview is much lower than an adult. On the other end, I would assume that individuals over the age of 40 have a decent amount of experience with the job interview process, and are familiar with the issues that entail. 
Below are links to medical news today and support for social anxiety that breaks down the concept and causes of anxiety in general, and how it relates to job interview anxiety.

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