Thursday, October 11, 2012

Alternative Factors of Stress

Job interview stress VS social anxiety disorder
I’ve identified that stress from job interviews is directly correlated with “social anxiety disorder”. However, I think there are definitely other driving factors that should be considered. Social anxiety disorder suggests that all stress in an interview comes from the fear of being judged or looking bad in front of others. But couldn’t interview stress and anxiety be generated by something else?
Pressure definitely creates stressful situations. Whether its economic, financial, family, legal etc… pressure can build on an individual and create an enormous amount of unnecessary stress and anxiety. Like shooting a free throw, in practice it can be a piece of cake, but with the pressure of the game on the line stress levels are certain to increase. How do you handle pressure? I think it starts with understanding where it’s coming from. The most important thing is believing in yourself and ability to be successful.
Self esteem and confidence can affect the amount of stress that one occurs during a job interview. Have you ever tried to accomplish something that you didn’t believe you were capable of? Have you ever felt unqualified for the job that you were interviewing for? A lot of stress and pressure can be generated by individual uncertainty. Planning ahead, researching the companies that you are interviewing with, are great ways to increase confidence in job interviews. Ultimately, believe in the tools that you have accrued though your learning experiences, and be yourself.